
(An abbreviated version of the recollections of Jim Morin, pictured, one of the original members of Chapel Strings)

Chapel Strings has been in existence since 1960. The group’s origins can be traced to a special Christmas presentation of the Gethsemane Lutheran Church choir during which they were accompanied by one string bass, a cello, a viola, and two first violins. After the performance, everyone was enthusiastic and considered the possibility of forming an organized string group that would play at various functions.

Shortly after this, Dale VanDuren, who was a member of Gethsemane and had organized the special Christmas musical presentation, had a vision, or an intense dream, about forming an orchestra. During the following months, he was successful in finding a director and enough musicians to form the group that eventually became Chapel Strings.

Throughout its history, Chapel Strings members have hailed from all parts of the Twin Cities and the suburbs, and from many walks of life – housewives, engineers, educators, a violin maker, accountants, office supervisors, truckers, professional jazz musicians, and a dentist who also flew gliders and airplanes have all added to the musical mix at one time or another. Multiple generations have joined in – at one time, Chapel Strings boasted a grandfather, his daughter, and his granddaughter among its members. Currently, members range in age from college students to seniors in their 80s.

jim morin
Founding member, Jim Morin